Handling feedback

Zentangle doodle

I was scolded at a meeting this week in front of all my colleagues to stop interrupting. Twice. The method by which this person gave her feedback is probably also up for discussion…. as they say in my organization, praise in public, coach in private… but anyway, I don’t let those things live rent free in my mind. Here’s how I approached my next steps.

Yes, it sucked to be called out. And yes, from other perspectives, I may not be guilty of AITA as it could be a difference of communication style and not a character problem. It could be bias (would a male physician be called out on it like that?). However, I always take feedback and ask myself – what if it were true?

So this is what I did next – I did a quick google search on how to stop interrupting people. I picked a strategy that seemed fun – doodling, and drawing more is in line with one of my goals anyway. And then I searched up some easy doodles, learned about zentangles – where you draw square grids and fill them in with different patterns.

The next day, I had a meeting, and every time I wanted to interrupt someone, I did my zentangle doodle. Doing more art and being less annoying at meetings while preserving my space to give my opinions. Bring it on meetings. I can do this. What’s the last time you got feedback and how did you handle it?

Handling feedback, being aware of how others perceive me, and balancing that with being confident is how I have negotiated for so many things I want. It’s how I’ve helped others negotiate for what they want. If you want are feeling at a loss for feedback you are getting and trying to tease how where it’s a them problem versus something in your control, I can help. I can help you shed light on various perspectives and help you sort out some actionable steps forward without losing your personality and style. Email empowered at betamomma dot come to set up a time to chat.